Does Weight Loss Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is among the most common kinds of cancer that occurs in men. Typically, it is a slow growing kind of cancer. However, some cases of prostate cancer are more aggressive and spread to other organs more quickly. Because of the prevalence of prostate cancer, it is wise for older men to take preventative measures to lower their risks. According to a new study, one way to lower the chances of prostate cancer is to lose weight.

About the Study

Elderly Care Arlington TN - Does Weight Loss Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer?
Elderly Care Arlington TN – Does Weight Loss Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer?

The study was published in the March 4, 2020 edition of the Annals of Oncology. It involved a review of data collected in 15 previous studies. There were approximately 831,000 men involved. Around 52,000 of them had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The results of the study showed that men with a body mass index (BMI) greater than the range that is considered healthy was associated with a higher risk of developing an advanced case of prostate cancer. In addition, a larger waist measurement was also linked to increased risk.

According to the study author Jeanine Genkinger, the study supports the idea that reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is part of reducing prostate cancer risks, which is already part of the recommendations of the American Cancer Society. It is the first study to indicate that waist size is a potential risk factor for the disease.

Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

In addition to being overweight, the Mayo clinic lists these things as factors that increase the risk of developing prostate cancer:

Age: As men get older, their chances of getting prostate cancer goes up.

Race: African American men develop prostate cancer at a higher rate than men of other races. They are also more likely to get aggressive forms of the disease.

Family History: If your aging relative has other men in their family who have had prostate cancer, they are more likely to get it themselves. In addition, men who come from families with a strong history of breast cancer are also at increased risk for prostate cancer.

The only risk factor for prostate cancer that older men can control is obesity. The best way for your aging relative to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet and increase physical activity. An elderly care provider can help them to do that. Elderly care providers can prepare balanced meals that are low calorie and promote weight loss. Elderly care can also assist with increasing physical activity in several ways. For example, an elderly care provider can go for walks with your older family member, helping them to be healthier and burn some extra calories.


For Elderly Care Services in Arlington TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!


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