Keeping your senior as safe as possible at home could mean the difference between her being able to age in place and her needing to move. Start with these ideas and see what else you can do in her unique situation.

Check the Lighting in Her Home
An often-overlooked safety tool is lighting. Your senior may not see the same way that you do or even that she did a few years ago. Brighter lighting is going to make a big difference for her, even if it doesn’t seem different to you. Change out older bulbs for brighter LED light bulbs. These put out a lot more light, but they don’t use more power to do so. Add a few more lamps, too.
Rearrange Items She Uses Often
It’s not unusual for people to keep certain items in one spot. But as your elderly family member ages, those storage locations might not serve her as well as they once did. Take an inventory of what your senior uses often and where she keeps those items. If those items could be stored somewhere that’s easier for her to access, start rearranging some things. This can take some getting used to at first, but your elderly family member may quickly realize this makes life easier for her.
Encourage Her to Wear Safe Shoes
If your senior walks around barefoot a lot or in shoes that aren’t very sturdy, she is more likely to experience pain in her feet, legs, and even her back. Having sturdy, supportive shoes can help her to feel better and can keep her safer on her feet. Make sure that the soles are non-slip and that the shoes support her feet well.
Put Handrails up Around the House
You might have thought about installing handrails in the bathroom, but they can really go anywhere in the house where there’s a need. Consider scoping out the rest of the house and determine where else you could install handrails. Your elderly family member never knows when she’ll need to reach out and grab hold of something stable.
Hire Elderly Care Providers
Having another person available can be an incredibly helpful safety tool for your senior. She may not think that she needs extra help, but elderly care providers can offer companionship, help with mobility, and ensure that your senior is generally safe when you’re not around. This can give you and your senior much greater peace of mind than you might expect.
Your senior’s safety needs are going to change over time. Periodically do some reviews to make sure that you’re covering all of her current needs and anticipating future ones as well as you possibly can.
For Elderly Care Services in Atoka TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!