Being a caregiver is a great option to give your aging loved one the care when he or she can no longer take care of themselves. However, it is important that you also play a huge role in the decisions in your loved one’s care plan.

Who knows your aging parent or loved one better than you? When it comes to planning your loved one’s care, it is important that you be vigilant, thorough and assertive when necessary.
There is likely an entire team of individuals; doctors, therapists, home care services providers, other family members, etc. that all want a say in what is best for your loved one. But in the end, it is you and your loved one’s other children that must lead the charge.
If you notice changes in your loved one’s behavior, mental or physical capabilities, or find problems with your loved one’s home care services, you must speak up and address your concerns. Remember, you are your loved one’s best advocate.
Know your rights
It is important to know what the law says about what your loved one is entitled to when it comes to his or her care. You will also want to know what, if any, your rights are as your loved one’s caregiver.
Be knowledgeable
Become knowledgeable of the community resources in your loved one’s area. You will want to know what agencies provide respite, have support groups or other resources that will aid you in the care of your loved one.
Ask questions
Do not be afraid to ask questions. Don’t give up until your questions are answered.
Always listen to your loved one’s needs, desires and concerns. After all, all of your hard work is for them.
Educate yourself on home care services
Learn as much as you can about home care services. Learn what services the agency entails, or should entail. Learn all you can about the agency and how they qualify staff. Express concerns when necessary.
Educate yourself on your loved one’s medical condition
You will need to know as much as you can about your love one’s current medical diagnoses and health risks.
Be proactive
Will your loved one need a nutritionist? Will he or she need a physical therapist? Whatever the need, be proactive in ensuring services and care for your loved one.
Get backup
There are community agencies that provides services and support to family caregivers and their loved ones. They also offer a wealth of information about community resources.
Your home care services provider can give you much needed guidance when it comes to advocating for your loved one. Know your stuff, speak up, listen and be proactive. Doing so will better equip you to provide the best possible care for your loved one.
For Home Care Services in Arlington TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!