What To Do When Warning Signs Arise in Your Elderly Loved One?

What are you going to do when your elderly loved one needs more help? What if they experience warning signs that show just your help isn’t enough? You must do something about it. In these instances, you can’t keep taking on everything by yourself. You don’t have to worry.

There are some tips for what you should do in the case when warning signs are present in your elderly loved one.

Homecare Arlington TN - What To Do When Warning Signs Arise in Your Elderly Loved One?
Homecare Arlington TN – What To Do When Warning Signs Arise in Your Elderly Loved One?

Seeking and Accepting Assistance

The number one thing you should do when warning signs are present in your elderly loved one is to start seeking and accepting assistance. You must go to others for help. There might be other family members, friends of your loved one, and homecare providers who can all offer their assistance. There are also many free or affordable public services that might be able to help, as well.

Talking to Your Elderly Loved One

The next thing to do when warning signs are present in your elderly loved one is talking to them. Ask them what is going on. They might be experiencing something that you are not aware of. For instance, they might have urinary symptoms that they haven’t shared. These symptoms might a sign of a urinary tract infection. This infection could be causing forgetfulness and other issues, too. Talking to your elderly loved one will give you a better idea of what they are going through and what they need.

Decline in Abilities

Some of the warning signs that you might see in your elderly loved one are a decline in abilities. They may not be taking proper care of their grooming or hygiene. They may not be eating as well as they should be. If your elderly loved one is no longer able to take care of themselves, it is certainly time to bring in homecare providers to help out.

In addition, if you notice that your loved one is having a decline in their reasoning or thinking processes, it is time to talk to their doctor about having an assessment done. Your elderly loved one could be in any one of the stages of dementia.

Support Network

Taking care of an elderly loved one, especially when they start experiencing warning signs that things are worsening, can be tough. It is important that you have your own support network of people whom you can talk to when things get rough.

These are some of the things you can do when warning signs start to present themselves in your elderly loved one. Remember, you are taking care of your loved one and yourself throughout this process.

Sources:  https://www.usa.gov/disability-caregiver

For Homecare Services in Arlington TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!


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