One of the main pillars of elderly home care is being able to identify the various illnesses or conditions that could occur in the loved one you are caring for. Some can be very dangerous and life-threatening, and others can just be inconvenient and uncomfortable.
Rosacea is one of the latter.
Rosacea is not a life-threatening condition, but it is one that causes a lot of emotional discomfort and embarrassment. It appears as redness or acne on the face, and it is nearly impossible to hide, making the people who suffer from rosacea reluctant to enter into social situations for fear of being made fun of.
Rosacea, however, is actually a very common ailment – over 16 million people suffer from it, but most don’t even know that they have it, as it is usually not painful. The risk for getting rosacea increases after age thirty, so the condition is even more common now, as the baby boomer generation has aged into the “risk zone.”
If this condition is so common, you might be wondering if you or the elderly loved one you care for might have it yourselves!
Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for:
Blushing for no reason – Everyone blushes, some more than others. However, if facial blushing appears with no discernable cause (embarrassment, guilt, overheating, etc.), and comes and goes often, it could be a sign of rosacea.
Redness that won’t go away – If the blush we just mentioned doesn’t go away after a while, and stays on the skin of the face like a sunburn, it could also be a sign that something is amiss.
Pimples – As if constant blushing wasn’t enough, rosacea can also manifest as a series of pimple-like bumps on the face. These bumps are full of pus, like normal pimples, but they sting, burn, and itch, signaling you that they are more than what they appear to be.
Blood vessels – Sometimes with rosacea, blood vessels become visible in the face. This can also occur if there has been trauma to the area, but in this case, the blood vessels would show up for seemingly no reason.
Dry, itchy skin – Dry skin on the face, as well as itching or even a thickening of the skin of the face can all also be a sign of rosacea, especially if facial lotion does not resolve the problem.
Rosacea can also affect the eyes, making them itchy, watery, and bloodshot. This type of rosacea must be treated by a doctor, as it could be very dangerous to your vision.
If you suspect that the elderly person in your care could have rosacea, seek the services of a dermatologist for a consultation. If they do have rosacea, the treatment involves the use of salves and topical creams that are applied to the affected area, as well as oral medication to help solve the problem from within. In very serious cases, dermatologists can use lasers or pulsing light therapies to remove visible blood vessels.
The important thing to remember about rosacea, though, is that it does not change who you are as a person. Do not let your loved one feel embarrassed to go out in public if they have this condition, especially since so many other people have it too!
Sources: https://www.rosacea.org/
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