Diet Soda isn’t ‘diet’ at all

Your adult loved ones need to control their weight to maintain and remain healthy. As one gets older, they become more prone to certain illnesses like:

-heart disease
-joint problems
-memory gap
-and even premature death.

Thus, as the one in charge for their care, you have to choose the right type of food or drinks that your parents should intake. In fact, it is a must to research before buying food products.

Certain hoaxes are around the internet, and even at supermarkets. Because of faulty advertising, some companies tend to overemphasize their products and even claim to provide health benefits when in fact, the products don’t.

A common hoax is: diet soda can make your adult loved one’s lose and maintain a healthy weight.

Have you practiced this too? Did your parents try to lose weight by drinking diet soda instead of regular ones?

If they did, then you have to stop the practice at this very instant.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t:

1.When one drinks diet soda, one tends to crave more sweets, resulting to even gain more weight.
2.Drinking diet soda can increase one’s risk of experiencing higher glucose intolerance and thus increasing the risk of getting diabetes.
3.Diet soda can make digestion difficult which then reduces the ability of the body to absorb healthy nutrients from the food that one eats.

Who wouldn’t want soda? If you haven’t tried one, you’d be missing half of your life. However, your adult loved ones’ health is more important than their pleasure.

To mitigate their cravings for soda, you can try the following alternatives:


Yes, this might be too boring for them but this is the healthiest way to stay away from weight gain.

2.Fruit water

Times would come when your parents would want to drink flavored beverages, and as a child, it would be too hard for you to reject them.
But, you can’t put them into a negative situation so instead of giving them diet soda, fruit water- putting fruits in your parents’ water.

Having known all these, you should already learn your lesson: never use diet soda in lieu of regular soda for your parents’ diet.

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