Social isolation affects 22 percent of U.S. adults. When a person experiences loneliness, it often ties in with worsening mental and physical health. Some studies have found that people who are socially isolated have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. It’s concerning, but social isolation doesn’t have to happen.
You can help ensure your mom stays active and avoids loneliness. As she ages, she doesn’t have to spend all of her time alone. These are the best ways to ensure she avoids social isolation.

See What Her Community Offers
There may be opportunities within her neighborhood or community. Check town or city government websites and see what is offered. Many communities have music concerts in parks or at town buildings. There are seasonal festivals, town garage sales, and movie nights that provide social activities for all ages.
Monitor Her Social Circle
As time passes, keep an eye on your mom’s social circle. If her friends are packing up and moving to areas with a lower cost of living, your mom’s social life will be impacted. Before it reaches a point where she has no one left to visit, get her involved in other activities.
Volunteering is one way your mom will stay active and social. She can volunteer for a local hospital, a library, or a museum. She may find volunteer opportunities at a local church, school, or soup kitchen, too. She’ll feel proud she’s helping, and she’ll make plenty of friends each time she helps out.
Join a Senior Center
Most communities have at least one senior center. If your mom doesn’t drive, home care aides can make sure she has a ride to the senior center on days she wants to go. She may want to spend time there each day for the luncheons or just once a week for group outings or club meetings.
Senior centers meet a range of needs and suit every taste. If your mom enjoys Yoga, she could take a class at her local senior center. If she loves touring museums, group outings are ideal. She could also join a senior center to join a book group, quilting club, or jewelry making class.
Home care services focus on many aspects of daily living. Companionship is one of the best services for older adults. Home care aides come on a regular basis to help with activities and provide friendship. Schedule companionship services by calling our home care agency.
For Home Care Services in Covington TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!
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