Tips for Helping Your Senior Find the Right Products to Manage Their Incontinence

Home Care Services Germantown TN - Tips for Helping Your Senior Find the Right Products to Manage Their Incontinence
Home Care Services Germantown TN – Tips for Helping Your Senior Find the Right Products to Manage Their Incontinence

More than 25 million adults throughout the United States are currently living with incontinence. The symptoms of this condition can range from simple leakage or difficulty controlling their bladder, to urgency. This can be a very challenging condition for your elderly loved one to deal with and as a family caregiver, you can make a tremendous difference in their quality of life and their perception of their condition simply by helping them to face this condition and make the meaningful modifications to their lifestyle that are right for them.

One of the simplest and yet most effective ways that your parent can manage their incontinence is through the use of incontinence products. Used to control leakage or loss of control, these products allow your parent to continue living their lifestyle without embarrassment or discomfort. There are many different types of these products and finding the ones that are right for your senior is important for them getting the most benefit.

Use these tips to help your senior find the right products to manage their incontinence:

• Choose the appropriate male/female products. There are some products that are available that are marketed as being for virtually anyone. While these might work for some people, it is generally best to choose the appropriate product designed for either males or females. These are specifically designed for the shape of the body and generally have better results.

• Seek samples. There are many mail delivery services that allow you to order incontinence products and have them delivered to the home. Contact these companies and find out if they offer samples. This enables your parent to try different types of products to find the one that is most comfortable and effective for them.

• Go for comfort. Remember that your parent’s comfort is the most important part of finding the right product for them. This means both their physical comfort and their personal and emotional comfort. Help them to find the products that fit them well and make the feel physically comfortable, but that are also easily concealed so that they do not feel embarrassed. Even if this means changing them more frequently, this comfort will encourage your parent to use them more consistently and be more active.

Starting home care services for your aging parent can be one of the best decisions that you can make for your elderly loved one throughout the course of your caregiver journey with them. A senior home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a schedule that is right for your elderly parent as well as you as their family caregiver.

This means that whether you are able to be with them or not, you can feel confident that they are getting all of the care, support, assistance, and encouragement that they need to be as healthy, comfortable, safe, and fulfilled as possible as they age in place. Through a highly personalized set of services, this home care services provider can help your loved one manage their individual needs and challenges, but also encourage them to remain as independent, active, and engaged as they can be to find meaning and quality of life throughout this period of their life.


For Home Care Services in Germantown TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!

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