Imagine this scenario. Your mom has a stroke and needs extra care while relearning some basic motor skills. No one imagined this would happen, so permissions to discuss her medical care were never granted. Due to privacy laws, doctors cannot share medical information with family members without written consent. The last thing you want to do in an already stressful situation is fill out forms and get approval to discuss your mom’s medical care and plan treatments that she’s not currently able to request.
Steps to Take for Peace of Mind
Before an emergency health situation arises, you and your aging parent should make sure your parent’s doctor has the paperwork on file that grants you the right to discuss your parent’s medical care. Your mom or dad’s doctor will have the HIPAA authorization forms available.
It’s also advisable to make sure your mom or dad has a medical power of attorney in place. If something happens and your mom or dad becomes unable to state his or her wishes on the treatments being received, the person named on the form has the right to make medical decisions. One person will hold the power of attorney for medical decisions, but alternates can be named in the document.
Finally, make sure you’ve discussed the care your mom or dad wants to receive. When making decisions, you make them for your parent. You’re not acting on your own wishes. This is known as a living will and covers things like if your parent would want to be hooked up to a ventilator or a feeding tube.
Follow Through When Planning Home Health Care
As your parent recuperates, the person holding power of attorney may end up making many decisions. It’s challenging to be dealing with stress from the medical emergency, and you don’t have to do it alone. Home health care services ensure someone is always around to offer supportive care. Knowing what your parent wants helps you decide the best services to schedule. If you have a job to go to during the day, a home health care professional can come in and be with your mom and dad all day to help cook meals, offer companionship, and tackle laundry. When you do return after a busy day at work, you’ll be able to spend quality time together.
For Home Health Care Services in Covington TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!
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