If your elderly family member has just experienced a fall, you might both be in a state of shock. It’s a good idea to make sure that your senior goes to her doctor right after a fall. The biggest reason is to rule out injuries, but there are other concerns, too.

Problems with Vision or Hearing
Your elderly family member’s ability to see obstacles is key to helping her to avoid falls in the future. Her hearing is important, too, but you might not think about that. The inner ear sends information to the brain that helps with balance and with avoiding issues that could lead to a fall. After a fall, you want to make sure that your senior’s eyes and ears are working the way they should be.
New Injuries or Health Problems
A fall can mean that your elderly family member has now injured herself, which is definitely bad news on multiple levels. But she could have experienced a small injury that contributed to her fall. Likewise, new health issues can also be fall culprits. Everything from dehydration to bigger issues like being sick with the flu or something more severe can cause a fall for your elderly family member.
Trouble with Medication
Medications can be a contributing factor, too. Some medications have side effects that can make a fall much worse. But don’t just look at prescription medications. There are over-the-counter supplements and medications that can create problems, too. Make sure that your senior’s doctor has a full list of what she’s taking so that you can figure out if any of them were an issue in this fall.
Difficulty Walking or Balancing
Your aging family member’s doctor may also want to look at how she walks. If she’s having trouble balancing or if she’s walking in an unusual manner, that can tell her doctor a lot about what might be going on. It helps a lot if your senior’s doctor has been paying attention to balance and gait issues already because that means there’s some baseline information you can all use.
Falls are terrifying both for you and for your senior family member. You might want to consider working with senior care providers to help her with mobility concerns and fears after she has already fallen. Senior care providers can help to prevent a repeat fall, especially if your elderly family member has become afraid of moving around.
For Senior Care Services in Bartlett TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!
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